Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blogging Into The Sunset

This will be the last blog for the near future. I have enjoyed doing this and it has helped me keep my head in the game. However I need to put some things on hold for a few months and it looks like following the market, blogging and yes even investing time has to be minimized.

It did feel good to do some selling and I am comfortable with the holdings left.
I would love to return in a different format that I have been thinking about, but only if I can find the time to do a good job,…something that has been lacking of late. Perhaps I will make an occasional post here, as time allows.

What did I see in my weekend review?

The 10-yr Treasury yield
is 2.74 %
IBD (Investor Business Daily) : Uptrend Under Pressure

Copernicus Systems: Long but mixed in my IMHO

Moneys Flows:  all positive


HAIN +5.54 %

Momentum Stocks:

AMZN sold
TSLA sold

PCLN sold
SCTY sold.

QQQ +2.45%

QLD sold
IWM +1.292%

IBB -6.10
SPY sold

Cramer Picks:
BAC sold

CAT sold
CIEN sold

GOOG -.10%
XLNX sold

HON +2.62%
BA sold

What will I do?

Hope to spend some time on dividend payers….but then those momentum stocks were very tasty

Adios Amigos



Monday, March 17, 2014

War and Turmoil

Copernicus had had interesting discussion this week….a little over my head, but it sparked a thought that the turmoil caused by war and even sabre rating does fan the world economy. No doubt the Russian occupation and likely takeover of Crimea does confuse the US and Europe.

I am not here to argue the politics of this, so I will stop at this point.

What did I see in my weekend review?

The 10-yr Treasury yield
is 2.65 %

IBD (Investor Business Daily) : Uptrend Under Pressure
Copernicus Systems: Long but mixed in my IMHO

Moneys Flows:  all positive

HAIN +7.04 %

Momentum Stocks:
AMZN +6.43% has held up well
TSLA +3.45%
PCLN -.71% ….European exposure
SCTY -11.70% accounting issues hurt…likely they will be resolved.

QQQ +2.64%
QLD -2.38%
IWM +1.82%
IBB -.44
SPY -.42%

Cramer Picks:
BAC +.79%
CAT +4.30%
CIEN +1.38%
GOOG +1.11%
XLNX +8.57%
HON +2.14%
BA -2.93%

What will I do?
I don’t view this as a buying opportunity, but US stocks are the place to be

Cramer momentum stocks: GOOG,  GE, JCI, BAC, CIEN,  XLNX, AAPL, CAT, BA, JNJ,  TJX. 
The companies Cramer considers to be well managed: MMM, WFM and  HON.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


In physics, momentum is the  property an object has due to its mass and its motion. It is a product of the body's mass and velocity. It can be powerful.

In stocks it can also be powerful. It can propel priced upwards or downward, but it can be overturned by events such as changes in profit or accounting issues.
This week accounting issues affected SCTY, driving the price down and  a loss of upward momentum . My guess it SCTY will come out fine, but that is just a guess. In any event I don’t view it as a buying opportunity due to the unknowns.

Last week I mentioned we could be “seeing a pullback soon, perhaps another mini-correction”. This is long overdue and now compounded with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. The markets hate unknowns. Markets hate wars and rumor of wars, but when these events slide into the past the markets can roar.
Recently Cramer mentioned 15 momentum stocks that I hope to review, for now I will just say I own 5 of the 15:  AMZN, GOOG, PCLN, SCTY and TSLA

This list of momentum stocks follows his earlier list of "stocks to own": GOOG,  GE, JCI, BAC, CIEN,  XLNX, AAPL, CAT, BA, JNJ and  TJX. 
And the list companies Cramer considers to be "well managed": MMM, WFM and  HON.

What did I see in my weekend review?

The 10-yr Treasury yield
is 2.79 %

IBD (Investor Business Daily) : Confirmed Up Trend

Copernicus Systems: Long but mixed in my IMHO

Moneys Flows:  all positive

HAIN +7.73 %, had a great week

Momentum Stocks:

AMZN +5.95%
TSLA +10.28%

PCLN +6.35%
SCTY -6.90% dropped based on accounting issues…I don’t like to hear this.

QQQ +4.79%

QLD +1.83%
IWM +3.69%

IBB +1.73% ….the stumble continues, are the markets turning away from biotech or is this a buying opportunity?
SPY +2.01%

Cramer Picks:
BAC +3.97%...good to see the banks gaining momentum

CAT +6.12%

CIEN +2.49%
GOOG +4.73 ….where is the momentum now?

XLNX +10.93% …momentum here
HON +5.95%

BA +1.35%

What will I do?
No plans at this point, but some leverage on small caps might be nice

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Time For A Pullback?

We could be seeing a pullback soon, perhaps another mini-correction. This is compounded by the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, but have you noticed that it’s reported as an invasion of Crimea, sort of ignoring it’s an invasion of the Ukraine. The markets hate unknowns, but my thought today is that this too shall pass and perhaps quickly. The Russians have what they want and perhaps all of this will be pacified with some sort of face saving agreement for all.

However, wars and rumor of wars do affect markets.
For now the Cramer stocks are doing fine. The momentum stocks are doing a little better…, as they should.

For reference Cramer’s list of stock to own: GOOG,  GE, JCI, BAC, CIEN,  XLNX, AAPL, CAT, BA, JNJ and  TJX.  Cramer’s list of companies that he considered to be well managed: MMM, WFM and  HON.

What did I see in my weekend review?

The 10-yr Treasury yield
is 2.73 %
IBD (Investor Business Daily) is now Confirmed Up Trend

Copernicus Systems: Long IMHO, but the charts are what are telling me its time for a little pullback.

Moneys Flows:  all positive, but the internet portfolio is just barely positive


HAIN +2.16 %, now moving in the right direction

Momentum Stocks:
AMZN +3.12 a nice turn this week

TSLA +9.65%, bought more this week
PCLN +5.63%

SCTY +1.66%, another Elon Musk company picked up this week that is just as hot (and just as risky) as TSLA

QQQ +4.57%

QLD +1.44%

IWM +1.80%
IBB +3.7% ….bit of a stumble

SPY +.25%

Cramer Picks:
BAC -.83%

CAT +6.03%
CIEN +4.67%

GOOG +4.80

XLNX +9.20%
HON +4.84%

BA +1.66%

What will I do?

If the market does drop it's time to add more to existing positions, but if the tone of the market looks poorly then it will be time to put in the stops.