Last week I mentioned RGR had out performed gold…and I have not seen anything else that has done so well
KO (Coke) has done well, hardly dipping.
AAPL (Apple) has had concerns but held up in spite of the news of Jobs stepping aside.
MCD (MacDonald’s) has been stellar but still gold has been hard to beat.
All of these have outperformed the Dow; see Chart
So what did I see in my weekend review?
IBD (Investor Business Daily) made three changes in their Outlook this week and ended up with: Market in Confirmed Uptrend. …I just don’t see this whipsaw action as a confidence builder
Copernicus Systems is mixed, at least in my interpretation. Money flows have stopped falling and appear to be trying to reverse and move upward.
Interestingly the top performing stocks in the Copernicus systems were MCD and AAPL…in that order.
I sold UGL this week for a modest gain. I was not sure where gold was going for the short term and levered ETF’s can move fast. I could revisit this again
Currently my "Stocks for a Trade" now consists of:
(All gains or losses shown are the total since purchase)
AAPL + 7.65 %
ETF's for a trade are:
SH - 4.38 %
SH - 2.59 %
SDS - 8.07 %
GLD + 3.02%
SDS has triggered a downward sell point. I will give it a little more room to see what shakes out. I also have to remind myself that I bought this and the two SH purchases for protection so the loss is offset by other gains
Have a great week