Sunday, December 22, 2013

Unknowns are Gone…Market Soars

The Side Step was brief. With the big unknown of when the taper begins out of the way and a Fed promise of low rates for some time the market did indeed soar and I think the future looks good IHMO

What did I see in my weekend review?

The 10-yr Treasury yield is 2.87 %

IBD (Investor Business Daily) is back to: Confirmed Uptrend

Copernicus Systems: Long

Moneys Flows:  all positive, but continuing to trend downward

My trip to the side was okay, I thought it would be good to look at the results, and here is a summary of profits and losses:

CMG -7% fortunately only a small initial position

YHOO +7.5%

PCLN +2.8%

DAL +3.4%

GOOG +2.4%

CRM -13.6% again only a small initial position

NFLX +6.4%

AMZN +1.2%

BIIB -6.6%

FLT -.43%

IWM +11.5%

IBB +6.4%

I did not sell QQQ and HAIN…fortunately

Cramer Basket

HAIN +5.34%


QQQ +9.75% 

What will I do?

Looking at the results this year it looks like I will outperform the market for the stocks that I held long term in my dividends payers and growers and probably underperform the market with the stocks I traded. I am looking forward to 2014 being a good year for the market, so I have been thinking about a new approach that will involve less trading. More later.

I hope you have a great week.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

And now…Time for a little sidestep

A fictional Texas politician once said:

   Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don't
   I've come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step, 
   Cut a little swathe and lead the people on

Well I am not leading anyone on but it’s time to step begin a little step to the sidelines. Perhaps not for long but selling all of the remaining positions will net out a modest gain.
IDB notes: “The coming week could be decisive. The last full week before Christmas has brought fast trade in three of the past four years ….Clarity from the Fed could add fuel”

Clarity would be a good thing.
When the bond buying began the Fed stated the goal was decreasing unemployment to 6.5%, if true to this it will continue…but they could now cite changes in outlook being justified due to Congress showing they are capable of action…but no one has clarity yet!

What did I see in my weekend review?

The 10-yr Treasury yield is 2.87 %

IBD (Investor Business Daily) has switched to: Uptrend Under Pressure, but notes “Despite the bleak distribution count, there appears to be some underlying bullishness at work” citing some positive chart action

Copernicus Systems: Short in my interpretation

Moneys Flows: all positive, but continuing to trend downward

Currently my "Stocks for a Trade" now consists of:

CMG -6.88%

YHOO +7.21%

Cramer Basket

PCLN +2.95%

DAL +1.07%

GOOG +2.43%

CRM -12.46% I cannot blame Cramer for this as he did warn it might drop and drop it did.

NFLX +6.27%

AMZN +1.06%

HAIN -1.20%

Copernicus Basket



BIIB -7.21%

IBD Basket

FLT -.51%


QQQ +7.66% 

IWM +11.18%

XLI Sold

IBB +6.61%

What will I do?

Selling, but I am by no means shouting the sky is falling, just doing a little side step

I hope you have a great week.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sometimes Bad Timing is better than No Timing

At noon on Monday I added more QQQ and AMZN, along with new positions for UWM, BIIB, HAIN, and once again my old friend YHOO. Soon I was pointedly asking myself “when was I going to learn how to buy stocks instead of buying them when it was convenient me to do so”.

I thought about this all week as things got a little worse each day, then once again Friday came with a well-received, good jobs report and most positions recovered well. So for now it appears that my bad timing has been redeemed.
My Dividend Payers and Growers also soared on Friday, led by Lowes and I noted that Biotech’s are gaining momentum.

What did I see in my weekend review?

The 10-yr Treasury yield is now 2.88 %

IBD (Investor Business Daily): Confirmed Up Trend

Copernicus Systems: Long

Moneys Flows:  all positive

Currently my "Stocks for a Trade" now consists of:

CMG -4.52%

YHOO +4.6%

Cramer Basket

PCLN +3.75%

DAL +.57%

GOOG +3.30%

CRM -7.75%

NFLX +2.09%

AMZN +1.76%

HAIN +.43%

Copernicus Basket

FSLR +11.02%

TRIP -2.46%

BIIB -1.85%

IBD Basket

FLT 0.0%


QQQ +9.12% …Note to self: sell or re-evaluate when gain drops to 8% or rises to 30%

IWM +13.48%

XLI 0.0%

IBB +9.83%

What will I do?

Admittedly there are too many holdings here to keep track of with my limited time. I will sell FSLR and take a nice gain, sell Trip at a modest loss due to a drop in the rankings I follow. I will also sell XLI due a ranking drop, would love to add XLY…but will restrain myself for now.


I hope you have a great week.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

End of the Year Bullish

I am end of the year bullish...and cautiously optimistic.

What did I see in my weekend review?

The 10-yr Treasury Yield is now at 2.74 %

IBD (Investor Business Daily) now at: Confirmed Up Trend

Copernicus Systems: Long

Moneys Flows: all positive

Currently my "Stocks for a Trade" now consists of:

ABX sold at a loss, will likely revisit

CMG -4.88%

Cramer Basket

PCLN +4.80%

DAL +3.28%

GOOG +2.31%

CRM -10.82%, can’t blame Cramer for this one, he did warn that it might drop, must sell…or buy more

NFLX +5.36%

AMZN +7.34%

Copernicus Basket

 FSLR +14.48% this could also be in the Cramer basket…Note to self: sell or re-evaluate when gain drops to 8% or rises to 30%

TRIP +.62%

IBD Basket

FLT +2.57%


EWZ -6.42% sell this week

QQQ +16.00% …Note to self: sell or re-evaluate when gain drops to 8% or rises to 30%

IWM +14.52%

EWG +1.94% sell this week

XLB sold at a modest loss

XLI +.12%

 What will I do?

 Overdue for buying more IWM and QQQ

Will sell EWG due to change in trend

Will sell EWZ once again due to ranking drop

Would like to buy more AMZN and why not some YHOO and better yet BIIB

Would like to buy some HAIN for the Cramer basket


I hope you have a great week.